As data volumes surge, the transition from manual to automated edge processes signals a new era in efficient, technology-driven edge operations
Technology has advanced every society it has touched throughout the history of the world. The ongoing contributions of technology have been integral to humanity throughout the ages in many different forms, and the desire of enterprises to possess and leverage them is continually ongoing as well. One of the most profound examples of transformative technology today is what we see at the edge.
The right edge technology is imperative for businesses of all sizes and across all industries. Today’s instant, real-time data streams are already a necessity for companies to manage and analyze, and some estimates expect data volumes for edge-critical workloads to grow by as much as 80 percent annually through 2027. As such, this proliferation of explosion of data has created a critical need for new processes that can be handled by advanced edge technology while addressing infrastructure management and security. Simply put, by not adapting evolved edge technology, organizations will struggle to not only compete but to remain viable in today’s digital world.  
Introducing Dell NativeEdge: A Paradigm Shift for Modern Edge
Dell Technologies has taken the lead in delivering the advanced edge technology that helps eliminate the challenges end users face in deploying, managing, and securing dynamic and distributed edge environments. Dell has recently announced the global availability of Dell NativeEdge, an edge operation software platform created to combat the challenges organizations are experiencing at the edge today. 
Dell NativeEdge platform accomplishes several goals such as reducing operational complexity, maximizing edge investments, and enhancing security.  The Dell NativeEdge platform has been estimated to speed application processes 22 times faster than current technologies and has already proven to be successful when implemented by early adopters across a wide spectrum of industries including manufacturing and energy. 
Help your customers gain a better edge through Dell NativeEdge
Dell’s partner community has a tremendous opportunity to grow their businesses by helping customers to simplify and automate their edge operations. Dell NativeEdge provides the necessary capabilities that help partners to ease the complexities of edge technology operation and management for their customers. 
The Dell Edge Partner Certification Program provides partners an opportunity to work directly with Dell engineers to test and optimize their technology at scale on the latest edge infrastructure. Dell Edge Design Program allows partners to collaborate with Dell product and engineering teams and provide inputs on the platform. 
Partners play an important role in helping customers innovate and drive business outcomes at the edge with this new edge software platform. Learn more about how you can get involved by visiting the Partner Portal here.

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