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How partners can leverage Dell APEX Multicloud, As-a-Service, and Modern Consumption to create immediate value for customers

No matter which market research study we look to, the fact is they all forecast that IT CAPEX spending will remain flat. At this same time though, the IT spend for private cloud services (IaaS) is...

ESG Analysis on Dell APEX: Bringing Predictable Costs to as-a-Service Consumption

How does one quantify the benefits of consuming technology “as a Service” when compared to traditional on-prem purchase models? This is the quintessential question that purveyors of IT solutions...

Part 2: Reselling APEX Backup Services generates revenue and satisfies customer expectations

In a recent blog I described a solution that empowered Partners with the ability to deliver unified workload protection through a hosted data protection platform to their customers. In part 2 of...


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